Storyboard Version 1.1 Scene 1
This is the storyboard version 1.1 of scene one. My group and I started developing a more detailed version of our storyboard becuase we want to be able to map out our scene opening in extreme detail. My group and I want to know exactly what are shots are going to look like so we don't have to deal with last minute changes to our project. In the first scene we decided to place a lot of hints and subliminal messages in the shots so the audience can figure out what is going to heppen before it happens. For example the note the main charcacter's mother left him is a sign of caution, but the chracter throws the note away which shows his carlessness, in another shot the the door is seen unlocked leaving the audience stressed and on edge as the main character leaves his house unlocked. Then at the last second you see his hand come and lock the door to ease the tension of the audience.
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