Final Film Locations

My group and I have finalized our film locations, and our film will consist of several locations. The first place will be a empty house which we have access to, but the exact house is unknown for now as we wont recieve the location of it till next week. The other locations are off of W State Road 84, Markham Park, and my car. We choose to film our driving scene on the side of W Sate Road 84 because there is a little road on the side that no one drives down, and we will have no trouble filming there. I will also attach a picture with a amrked location for filming there. Then we are going to film in Markham Park because this is a gret location for a spooky forest like the one our charcater gets lost in. The trees in Markham park are very mosy and look great (great as in scary) because of their tall and grey look to them. I have circled a spot we would like to film in as there are usually not that many people in the location I choose. We also choose to use my car because we don't have access to anyother cars, but we don't need a car for very long so my car will be a minor part of the film.
This is where we are going to film the car shots.

This is where we want to film in Markham Park.
