Genre Research: Drama
Genre: Teen Drama Genre Conventions: Usually a story of adolescence and the struggles of growing up either socially or physically. There are many stereotype cliques such as jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, etc. There are the usual “teen issues” such as peer pressure, bullying, or being an outcast. Usual setting is in and around high school because most teens are in high school. The movies are also usually voiced over to hear the main characters thoughts as he/she go through high school. Genre Conventions (production techniques): Closeups of characters, low and high angle to represent either strength or weakness in the character. Usually sad theme which means there is usually dull lighting to show blandness. There is normally modern music or modern to the time period of the film to relate to audience. Clear and wide shots help establish the groups of school. Film Sample #1 (13 Reasons Why): This show embodies the teen drama genre perfectly. There is one main girl who is being bullied...